On one fateful day, Mr. Chung pondered why Original Goldfish Crackers was his favourite snack. It was a great question that had to be answered, so he asked my class to fulfil this heroic deed in an assignment. This story is my answer. It is Mr. Chung’s inner dialogue.
Goldfish crackers. Goldfish? Goldie…fish? Goal!!!!! Fish. Gollyfishy, gold. Oh, my sexy gal fish. Goldie, Goldie , Goldie…..Goldilocks! Goldie lock that thang. Ah, goldfish…yum, yum, yum. Deflated on the toilet, rattling intensely to let this god-damn thing go, I thought of it: Original…

“Maybe we should pass the crown onto Juan, he’s of age in September,” my father’s harsh voice broke out in the room. It was silent for a while. The council quieted after my declaration that I did not want to marry someone while I was so young and not out of love. I watched my father’s eye twitch as he brooded in his silent disdain for my words..

Ever since I was a little girl, I have hated reflections. Anything that reflected light and anything I could look into and see its twisted version of me made my skin crawl and my head hurt. Anything from mirrors to windows, even looking into a pond would bring upon the same level of misery and hatred for reflections as I’ve always had. I hate them because all they do is lie…