About Us

Welcome to Bodwell High School's Newsletter, “Chaffey’s Morning Coffee “; a place for Bodwell students to learn and express themselves to the fullest.  

Visit the Bodwell life page to see fun videos like our “Faces of Bodwell” and “Spill Da Beans!” series. Come to our Arts Corner to see our beautiful poetry, stories, cartoons and art. Come to our culture page to explore the world and the entertainment page for our game, movie and music reviews. Finally, on our opinions page, see the thoughts of Bodwell students on pertinent issues all over the world. 

At the end of the day, visit Chaffey’s Morning Coffee to see the life, creativity and brilliance of Bodwell high school’s wonderful students. If you want to post something do not feel afraid to message Gabriella Steele on teams. Now enjoy! 

Newsletter Club

Newest News

How University is Killing My Passion

As I sit down in front of my computer looking at my university applications, I begin to cry. I feel this way not because I feel I won’t get into any school- well that maybe is a part of it- it’s because I feel so unlike myself as I read my college application answers.

Bodwell Excellence


“You don’t look like you’re from here though.” I sighed as the words slipped so carelessly from their lips, so oblivious to the way I’d carry that burden with me wherever I go. The phrase echoed through my mind like a fly that I couldn’t quite catch, always hovering in my space without my knowledge. Without my permission. I never quite understood why it was so easy for people to tell I wasn’t South African.

Why Isn't Bodwell a Community

Google defines a community as a group of people living in the same place or having a particular interest in common. Bodwell is an international school that also offers homes for numerous students all over the world. It is a school that has “Strength in Diversity”, and through our differences we can find similarities in each other.

Video Highlights

Pokemon Purple Gold (Drama Class)

The other day I had the most heartwarming conversation with Mr. Chiu. It was a question that throughout all our lives, we will constantly come back to. The question was: How do I be happy?

He talked about a girl who wanted him to stop being negative about the prospects of her sports team…

Soothing and relaxing music with smooth melodies and a pleasant tone. A sound that lifts up the spirit and nourishes your soul. Nostalgia and good memories. Of course, this sound is no other than jazz.

Jazz was created in the United States of America in the late 19th century. This genre of music was started by African-American communities who mixed the harmony of European music and the ritual rhythms of African music to create Jazz…

Arts Corner

On one fateful day, Mr. Chung pondered why Original Goldfish Crackers was his favourite snack. It was a great question that had to be answered, so he asked my class to fulfil this heroic deed in an assignment. This story is my answer. It is Mr. Chung’s inner dialogue

Me and My Beloved by Gabriella Steele –

Goldfish crackers. Goldfish? Goldie…fish? Goal!!!!! Fish. Gollyfishy, gold. Oh, my sexy gal fish. Goldie, Goldie , Goldie…..Goldilocks! Goldie lock that thang. Ah, goldfish…yum, yum, yum. Deflated on the toilet, rattling intensely to let this god-damn thing go, I thought of it: Original Goldfish crackers…

Maybe we should pass the crown onto Juan, he’s of age in September,” my father’s harsh voice broke out in the room. It was silent for a while. The council quieted after my declaration that I did not want to marry someone while I was so young and not out of love. I watched my father’s eye twitch as he brooded in his silent disdain for my words. He knew not to directly object to my words — there had been too many occasions in which we got into fights over words, and I embarrassed him in front of people he held of importance. This whole room was filled with people who were of higher rank in the kingdom, and he knew if he tried to start with me, it wouldn’t end very well in his favor…

Art Gallery